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Buenos Aires - List of Restaurants

Additional Restaurant Listings
  Location: Greater Buenos Aires
  Category: Latin, Mexican, Spanish

The list below shows the full 19 listings cuurently in the DiningGuideSM database for Greater Buenos Aires in the Latin, Mexican, Spanish category. The listings are displayed in alphabetical order.

The "Latin, Mexican, Spanish" category has 8 subcategories: Argentinian, Brazilian, Cuban, Mexican, Nicaraguan, Puerto Rican, Spanish and Venezuelan.

A Los Amigos
Av. Rafael Obligado/Costanera Norte
11 4782-9140 · Moderate
Aires de Patagonia
Alicia M. De Justo 1798
11 4315-2151 · Moderate
Club Español
Calle Bernardo de Irigoyen 180
11 4334-4876 · Moderate
La Cabaña
Rodriguez Peña 1967
11 48140001 · Expensive
La Esquinita
Reader rating: 3.0 out of 5
Gorostiaga 1695
11 4777-4141 · Moderate
La Generosa
Corrientes 4152
11 8659654 · Moderate
La Herradura
Calle Dardo Rocha 1260
11 4798-5962 · Expensive
La Querencia
Calle Esmeralda 1392
11 4822-4644 · Inexpensive
La Tranquera
Av. Figueroa Alcorta 6464
11 4784-6119 · Moderate
La Vendeta
Calle Posadas 1387
11 4812-8306
Las Nazarenas
Calle Reconquista 1132
11 4312-5559 · Moderate
Calle Uspallata 701
11 4362-3121 · Moderate
Munich Recoleta
Calle R. M. Ortiz 1879
11 4804-3981 · Moderate
Parrilla Rosa
Calle R. M. Ortiz 1879
11 4806-7720 · Moderate
Calle Salguero
11 4806-0608 · Expensive
Rio Alba
Reader rating: 3.0 out of 5
Calle Cerviño 4499
11 4773-9508 · Moderate
Taberna Baska
Calle Chile 980
11 4334-0903 · Moderate
Vasco Francés
Calle Bernardo de Irigoyen 180
11 4383-5021 · Moderate
Calle Carlos Pellegrini 525
11 4371-1413 · Moderate

If you are interested in learning more about the Greater Buenos Aires area, MetroGuide.Network also offers a guide to Greater Buenos Aires Hotels.

Reader Rating Legend:
Editor Rating Legend:

(See other restaurant lists, by location, in the Buenos Aires area.)
Downtown Buenos Aires RestaurantsSurrounding Communities Restaurants

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